At IDEX, we think of “sustainability” as broadly encompassing our efforts to have a positive impact on the world around us, from our customers to our shareholders, our employees, the communities in which we operate, and the environment. Working closely with our customers to help solve their critical challenges, our products are part of solutions that make a difference in the lives of people worldwide every day. IDEX teams continue to contribute to fast-growing technologies in a number of fields including clean water, precision agriculture, food and pharmaceutical, energy transition technologies, and life sciences.

In 2022, IDEX conducted a materiality assessment to confirm the specific environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics most significant to our internal and external shareholders. Our 2022 Sustainability Report highlights the work we are doing regarding key topics identified through that assessment and other ongoing stakeholder engagement. It reflects our continued commitment to sustainability. Included in the topics highlighted are:

  • Human capital management, including diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)
  • Talent management and workplace health and safety
  • The impact of our operations and our products on the environment
  • Responsible supply chain management
  • Sound governance, business ethics and compliance programs
  • As in years past, the report includes updated disclosures in alignment with the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) sector standards. We are pleased to share our progress on these important topics and to highlight IDEX as a company committed to innovative technologies for a better world.

Building on that assessment, we continued our commitment to sustainability in 2023.  The Company appointed its first Chief Sustainability Officer focused on developing and monitoring progress against various sustainability initiatives.  This work included leveraging cross-functional experience to develop and monitor progress against various initiatives to reduce our emissions in ways that make sense for our businesses.

IDEX’s 2023 Sustainability Disclosures build on strategies and commitments in our 2022 Sustainability Report.  These disclosures update metrics across our environmental, human capital, governance, and ethics and compliance efforts.  They include updated SASB-aligned disclosures, a 2023 update to the ESG Data Tables found in the 2022 Sustainability Report, and a summary of the initial climate risk assessment that we conducted in 2023 under the guidance set forth by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

The IDEX Foundation

IDEX Foundation Logo
A charitable giving organization founded in 2014, the IDEX Foundation engages local teams of employees in creating value and improving the communities in which we live and operate. With financial support from foundation grants, volunteer teams contribute to efforts aligned with the IDEX Foundation’s charitable pillars:

  • Community Engagement — Improving the communities in which we live and work through funding assistance and IDEX employee achievement
  • Equity & Opportunity — Creating opportunities for under-served, disadvantaged people of color in our communities
  • Health & Safety — Supporting direct reactive response in the face of disasters and emergencies
  • Leadership & Engagement — Building leaders through youth based programs, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics focused education and skill development.

Each IDEX business has a volunteer site coordinator who works with employees to partner with local nonprofit organizations. These efforts are backed by IDEX Foundation grants, which oftentimes pay for materials needed to complete a project.

Here are just a few of the activities we’ve supported:

HURST Jaws of Life® team members in Shelb
HURST Jaws of Life® team members in Shelby, North Carolina, volunteer to build a new playground at the Cleveland County Rescue Mission for children impacted by homelessness. Materials for the project were purchased with a grant from the IDEX Foundation.

In 2021 and 2022, the Foundation celebrated record successes in volunteering and charitable giving by our businesses. Grant distributions reached a record $1.37 million in 2022, up from a previous record of $1.25 million in 2021. In 2021, a record 88% of IDEX sites in the United States and a record 56% of international locations submitted requests for funding from the Foundation, expanding to support a growing number of local charitable causes.